Patch Note 03

Version 0.9.3

What's new!
* Camera viewport in the minimap @CovertPachyderm
* Venus fly trap now deals magic damage
* Display item tooltip now show's in score tab

* Increased minimap visibility
* Improved Iris VFX
* Changed Siege minions damage to towers
* Increased gold text size
* Increased description text size @Royai x3
* Roku E no longer resets when picked

Bugs Fixed
* MP & HP potions are now working
* Sometimes Roku get's stuck
* Scoreboard bugged after 2 digit kills @CovertPachyderm
* Iris E no longer does damage to towers @ryujio
* Store UI flickering in 1920*1017p resolution
* Kito animations wouldn't play
* Players can no longer auto attack Roku when he's invisible

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